Audio Animals Ltd was established in 2012 by cousins and engineers Paul Ashmore and Nick Burchall. The Audio Animals complex houses 3 purpose built studios for both mixing and mastering. 

With well over 40,000 orders from every corner of the globe, Audio Animals has grown year after year into one of the industries most in demand mixing & mastering studios online. 


Audio Animals Studio A is a state of the art mastering studio for both stereo and Dolby Atmos mastering. Installed into Studio A is one of the industries most sought after mastering chains, costing an eye watering £130,000.

The pride of Studio A is the Ex Machina Dolby Atmos system. The first studio in the world to install Ex Machina’s flagship Arcturus speakers with Titan surrounds. The system is tuned to perfection using Trinnov room correction and sounds unlike anything you will have heard before.


Audio Animals Studio B is a state of the art mixing and mastering studio for both stereo and Dolby Atmos. Installed into Studio B is a 9.1.4 PMC system that is perfectly tuned using Trinnov room correction. Studio B is often referred to as one of the best Dolby Atmos studios you will ever see or hear.

Studio B has an exceptionally unique mastering chain installed for stereo mastering. Costing upwards of £70,000 and including some of the industries most sought after mastering equipment. The sound achieved from Studio B is in a league of its own.


The Audio Animals studios are equipped with some of the industries most sought after analogue equipment money can buy. The studio complex consists of 3 studios. A stereo and Dolby Atmos mastering studio including a state of the art A class mastering chain, Dolby Atmos 9.1.4 mixing and mastering studio and a smaller stereo mastering studio used for long play mastering such as podcasts and live shows. 

Studio A is run by Nick Burchall, Audio Animals lead mastering engineer. Studio B the Dolby Atmos mixing & mastering studio is run by Paul Ashmore, Audio Animals primary mixing and mastering engineer.


Paul co owns and works at Audio Animals as the lead mixing & mastering engineer. With over 2 decades of experience under his belt mixing & mastering for some of the world biggest artists and films. Paul has established himself as one of the industries go to engineers for all genres.

The pride of Paul’s mixing & mastering studio is his 9.1.4 PMC Dolby Atmos speaker system. With 15 speakers positioned perfectly around him. Paul mixes in a fully immersive 3D space, achieving a sound unlike anything you have every heard before. 


Nick co owns and works at Audio Animals as the lead mastering engineer. With over 2 decades of experience under his belt mastering for some of the world biggest artists and films. Nick has established himself as one of the industries best mastering engineers for all genres.

The pride of Nick’s mastering studio is his £130,000 mastering chain consisting of the legendary UnFairchild 670m mk2, Shadow Hills optograph compressor and Elysia Alpha compressor. Three of the industries most sought after compressors money can buy. Using such high quality equipment in Nick’s unique way achieves a sound unlike any other.