In this video I discuss how much difference a converter makes. It’s a subtle difference but I positive difference none the less. By simply converting audio from digital to analogue and back to digital, we can audibly hear an improved difference and that’s just conversion. No processors in the chain at all.

By downloading the files below you can compare both the Burl converters and the Ferrofish converters to your own converters. How to do this is simple.
- Import all files into your DAW
- On the channel titled “No Converter” add an insert routing out to your converter and back in again. Make sure there are no other processing units in the chain, just conversion.
- Record the audio passing through your converters.
- Compare the audio you have recorded through your converter to the Burl converter and Ferrofish converter audio files.
- Original – Playback of original audio without any additional conversion applied
- Converter – Playback of original audio with conversion applied
Burl Conversion 1
Ferrofish Conversion 1
RME Conversion 1
Burl Conversion 2
Ferrofish Conversion 2
RME Conversion 2
Burl Conversion 3
Ferrofish Conversion 3
RME Conversion 3